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{{ user.name }}
{{ club.name}}
Youth 2- Gi CO-ED Division / 14-15 years / Solid Grey or Grey w/Black / Middleweight (116-125 lbs.) / 2 - 5 Years (Saturday June 9th)
Mens No-Gi / Intermediate / Adult / Middleweight (170-180 lbs.) / Male / 2 - 5 Years (Saturday June 9th)
Mens Gi / White / Executive / Superweight (214-224 lbs.) / Male / 7 months to 2 years (Saturday June 9th)
Mens No-Gi / Intermediate / Adult / Middleweight (170-180 lbs.) / Male / 2 - 5 Years (Saturday June 9th)
Mens No-Gi / Beginner / Adult / Lightheavyweight (192-202 lbs.) / Male / 0-6 months (Saturday June 9th)
Youth 2- Gi (GIRLS ONLY) / 12-13 years / Yellow / Ultraweight (147 lbs. +) / 2 - 5 Years (Saturday June 9th)
Youth 2- Gi (GIRLS ONLY) / 12-13 years / Yellow / Ultraweight (147 lbs. +) / 2 - 5 Years (Saturday June 9th)
DC.... Extra (Saturday June 9th)
Mens No-Gi / Intermediate / Adult / Middleweight (170-180 lbs.) / Male / 2 - 5 Years (Saturday June 9th)
Womens No-Gi / Beginner / Cruiserweight (151-160 lbs.) / Women/Executive / 0-6 months (Saturday June 9th)
Mens No-Gi / Intermediate / Adult / Lightweight (148-158 lbs.) / Male / 2 - 5 Years (Saturday June 9th)
Men's Gi Black Belt Absolute / Adult / Black Belt / Open Weight (Saturday June 9th)
Mens Gi / White / Executive / Superweight (214-224 lbs.) / Male / 7 months to 2 years (Saturday June 9th)
Mens No-Gi / Beginner / Executive / Heavyweight (203-213 lbs.) / Male / 7 months to 2 years (Saturday June 9th)
Womens Gi / White / Middleweight (141-150 lbs.) (Saturday June 9th)
Mens No-Gi / Beginner / Adult / Featherweight (137-147 lbs.) / Male / 7 months to 2 years (Saturday June 9th)
Mens No-Gi / Beginner / Executive / Heavyweight (203-213 lbs.) / Male / 7 months to 2 years (Saturday June 9th)
Mens No-Gi / Beginner / Adult / Lightweight (148-158 lbs.) / Male / 7 months to 2 years (Saturday June 9th)
Mens No-Gi / Intermediate / Adult / Lightweight (148-158 lbs.) / Male / 2 - 5 Years (Saturday June 9th)
Men's No-Gi Absolute / Adult / Advanced / Open Weight (Saturday June 9th)
Mens No-Gi / Intermediate / Adult / Lightweight (148-158 lbs.) / Male / 2 - 5 Years (Saturday June 9th)
Mens No-Gi / Beginner / Adult / Roosterweight (125 lbs. & under) / Male / 7 months to 2 years (Saturday June 9th)
Mens Gi / White / Executive / Superweight (214-224 lbs.) / Male / 7 months to 2 years (Saturday June 9th)
Mens No-Gi / Advanced / Adult / Lighteatherweight (126-136 lbs.) / Male / 6 Years and over (Saturday June 9th)
Men's No-Gi Absolute / Adult / Advanced / Open Weight (Saturday June 9th)
Mens No-Gi / Beginner / Adult / Featherweight (137-147 lbs.) / Male / 7 months to 2 years (Saturday June 9th)
Womens Gi / White / Middleweight (141-150 lbs.) (Saturday June 9th)
Mens No-Gi / Beginner / Adult / Lightweight (148-158 lbs.) / Male / 7 months to 2 years (Saturday June 9th)
Mens No-Gi / Beginner / Executive / Heavyweight (203-213 lbs.) / Male / 7 months to 2 years (Saturday June 9th)
Mens No-Gi / Advanced / Adult / Lighteatherweight (126-136 lbs.) / Male / 6 Years and over (Saturday June 9th)
Womens Gi / White / Middleweight (141-150 lbs.) (Saturday June 9th)
Men's No-Gi Absolute / Adult / Advanced / Open Weight (Saturday June 9th)